[Baypiggies] Python course for non-programmer

Mike Cheponis mac at Wireless.Com
Sat Mar 3 08:38:33 CET 2007


I think one of the first things you may want to do, before you try to teach people anything, is to locate your "Shift" key.

It's usually the key just to the left of the "Z" key.  On my keyboard, there is also one to the right of the "/" key, giving me two opportunities to locate it.

Good luck!   ;-)

After you've found it, I'll be happy to suggest ways to use the "Shift" key(s) to improve your writing's legibility and conformance to English capitalization rules.

Can't hurt...



On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, wesley chun wrote:

>> way.... does anyone know where a non-programmer can get such training?
> donna,
> this is a good question.  on the flip side, i've developed what i
> think is a really good course called "Introduction to Programming".
> there is a "(using Python)" at the end, but i feel that it is not as
> much about Python as it is about programming in general.
> the problem is that i've had no venue in order to deliver the course.
> it's not something that i can just go and market, you know?  how do
> you contact or reach non-programmers to tell them about a programming
> class?  i can't very send anything to the mailing list or CLP, so most
> technical folks *are* programmers!  so although i am ready to teach
> such a course, i have yet to find a way to deliver it.
> just go to the website below, and click "Python Training".  look for
> the "Intro to Programming using Python" class and click once more to
> get a course description.  maybe if i can find a place to announce
> this to, i can actually hold this 2-day course!!
> in a dilemma,
> -- wesley

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