[Baypiggies] new web application framework.

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu Mar 1 03:06:50 CET 2007

On 2/28/07, Keith Dart ♂ <keith at dartworks.biz> wrote:
> Bob Ippolito wrote the following on 2007-02-28 at 17:12 PST:
> ===
> > That sounds like the same paradigm that Routes has. Maybe a different
> > syntax? I haven't looked very hard at Django because their ORM is
> > worthless for my apps and I don't like their template language.
> ===
> Yes, other frameworks do the same thing. The Django ORM is nice in some
> ways, but also a real problem. It helps to get started quickly, but
> it's not as flexible as we would have liked. We did a lot of stuff to
> work around it though....

It sounds like your use case is pretty similar to mine, where you are
collecting and reporting on lots of data. I had to drop down to just
using SQL for that and doing some domain specific abstractions.  I'm
using SQLAlchemy, but really just because it gives me rows as dicts
and connection pooling without configuring anything other than the
connection string.

> BTW, we also use, and this framework is (will be) designed to use
> MochiKit. I like it a lot. Thanks a lot for that. :-) I intend, in the
> future, to seamlessly integrate some Python methods to client-side
> Javascript in keeping with the goal that a pure-Python developer can
> create a reasonably nice web app without knowing javascript or XHTML or
> CSS at all.

Sounds cool! Hopefully it's not too framework-specific, a lot of those
sorts of things can/should work on top of Just WSGI.

I've started to converted most my really low level Python webapps to
be just WSGI that I host on top of Pylons because of the EvalException
integration and the fact that it'll email me a traceback by default if
I have debug turned off.


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