[Baypiggies] How to embed Flash Player Controls within a Pythonapp...

Dennis O'Brien DOBrien at LeapFrog.com
Thu Mar 1 02:56:02 CET 2007

> From: baypiggies-bounces at python.org
[mailto:baypiggies-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Douglas Kennedy
> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 6:11 PM
> To: baypiggies at python.org
> Subject: [Baypiggies] How to embed Flash Player Controls within a
> Hi Python users,
> I am seeking some help or at least direction.
> I am developing a python application that is a learning center.
> Part of the requirement is that it not be browser based.
> Python seems to a practice choice so far.
> The videos and screencast videos are going to be produced
> using the Camtasia Studio also requirement in a FLV/SWF format.
> The learning center application needs to have embedded within
> its screen the video window. Found wxpython that allows the video
> to be called from a python.
> The problem is that have not found any way to control the video?
> Typical controls play,stop, pause,rewind, fast forward etc...
> Maybe I am missing it I have not found the controls within python 
> or wxpython to control a flash video.
> Well, Python users any direction?
> Your help is and will continue to be appreciated.
> thanks,
> Doug
> P.S... I have been using this list for a couple of years now and it
> been of benefit in many ways thanks. I hope to in the future enjoy
your gatherings...

Hi Doug,

This might be more of a Flash ActionScript question than a Python
question.  ActionScript has a class called ExternalInterface which
allows two way communication between Flash and the hosting application
(web browser, wxPython, whatever).  There is a simple how-to with sample
code in several languages (including Python) over at OSFlash.org (a
great mailing list about Flash and Open Source)

Googling 'flash python externalinterface' will give you a lot of useful
ideas as well.

Hope this helps.


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