[Baypiggies] new web application framework.

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu Mar 1 02:12:13 CET 2007

On 2/28/07, Keith Dart ♂ <keith at dartworks.biz> wrote:
> Bob Ippolito wrote the following on 2007-02-28 at 16:40 PST:
> ===
> > I'm sure you could do that with Pylons if you really wanted to, routes
> > is just the default routing middleware. I'm not sure when you'd want
> > callable to URL mapping though? I've never even thought of wanting
> > such a thing.
> ===
> Well, the real goal of this framework is to enable a Python developer
> that might not know XHTML in detail to churn out custom web interfaces
> as quickly and easily as possible. So, a simple mapping to a handler
> function (or callable class instance) is a nice way to do it. That's
> how Django does it and since I've been using Django I'm used to that
> paradigm.

That sounds like the same paradigm that Routes has. Maybe a different
syntax? I haven't looked very hard at Django because their ORM is
worthless for my apps and I don't like their template language.


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