[Baypiggies] Volunteer wanted: Write a review Bash Cookbook

Tony Cappellini cappy2112 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 16:34:40 CEST 2007

For those not familiar with the Book Review program, here is the link
to the old web page
(which is very much out of date, but will have to suffice until the
new Plone site is fully online)


> Any books on Python and Ruby might pique my interest... hint, hint...
Pick a book from the list of publishers, and mail me off list which
book you want to review.
The list on the old site does not contain reviews done recently, so I
will have to verify the book you pick has not already been reviewed.

Also. if you have any books you've read recently that you really like
and want to do a review on, you are always welcome to do that.too.
Publishers don't shy aways from too many reviews.

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