[Baypiggies] upcoming meetings.. Plone training

jim stockford jim at well.com
Mon Jun 25 01:20:47 CEST 2007

    i'll put together meeting synopses in a few days.

    Seems to me that bayPIGgies should review the
meeting speaker possibilities at this point--I'll put
out a list for review in less than the few days
referred to above.

On Jun 23, 2007, at 4:53 PM, Donna Snow wrote:

> If someone could put together the July and August meeting synopsis.. I
> can put them both up..
> (that way people can plan two months in advance)..
> I'd like to schedule our online Plone training for July 10th...
> (that'll be after my week at Google and the holiday week). I think if
> even a couple people can make it.. that'll give us some of the update
> help we need (once we move over to Plone site) and they can show
> others how to use the system.
> I'm going to try and make July's meeting..
> Donna
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