[Baypiggies] [vote] name change

Carl J. Van Arsdall cvanarsdall at mvista.com
Wed Jan 31 00:32:13 CET 2007

Being that this isn't some entity out to make money, we don't 
necessarily need to sound appealing.  The people that want to be here 
will be here regardless of the name.

I vote -1.


Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
> Ok, let's address the mother of all arguments--the name change ;)
> Instructions:
> To change the name of this mailing list, vote +1 and propose an alternate.
> To keep the existing name, vote -1.
> Certain of our readers object to the term "baypiggies" due to the
> negative connotation.  Clearly, a better term might have been
> "baysmarties", but I digress ;)
> As we come to conclusion about the direction of this mailing list, it
> makes sense to bite the bullet and vote on whether to keep the name
> baypiggies.  As a historical note (Aahz can correct me), baypiggies
> stands for "Bay Area Python Interest Group", which makes sense.
> If we change the name baypiggies, we may (arguably) gain a name with a
> better connotation, but we risk irritating a lot of people who will
> have to update their mail filters and learn a new email address to
> send mail to.  Worst of all, there may be instances of this email
> address in the wild, and I'm not sure if I can set it up as an alias
> if we decide to go with a new name.
> Because of the severe drawbacks of this change, I'd like to be
> conservative and propose that we only change the name if we have 10 or
> more +1s and no more than half as many -1s.  I think requiring a two
> to one vote is fair given the advantages vs. the disadvantages of
> making this change.
> Best Regards,
> -jj


Carl J. Van Arsdall
cvanarsdall at mvista.com
Build and Release
MontaVista Software

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