[Baypiggies] Let's welcome the new year!

Yogesh Chobe ylchobe at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 00:07:16 CET 2007

On 1/25/07, Chad Harrington <harrington_chad at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > I propose:

> I think a separate baypiggies-jobs list would be the best solution to the
> jobs issue.  90+% of BayPiggies members aren't looking for jobs and would be
> annoyed by lots of job posts. The remaining 10% are looking for work and
> would likely welcome a large number of jobs.
> If you are looking for a job, you subscribe to the jobs list.  If not, you
> don't.  Seems like the simplest policy.  There is no value in having job
> listings go to the 90% who don't want them.
> Do others agree?


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