[Baypiggies] Our meeting Jan. 11 ... and Feb. 8

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Mon Jan 8 01:34:49 CET 2007

For our meeting Jan. 11, Donna Snow will re-visit and update her Plone 
presentation.  Jan. 11 is the final meeting I have planned.  Jim Stockford 
has agreed to arrange some future meetings.  Feb. 8 follows in 4 weeks.  If 
you are interested in organizing BayPiggies meetings, I am sure Jim would 
appreciate hearing from potential collaborators and speakers.

Following is the abstract Donna prepared for Jan. 11:

Title: Why Plone? Features and benefits of the PloneCMS
Abstract: Plone is an Open Source content management system built on Zope 
(and Python) that has grown in popularity and strength over the last couple 
of years.
Along with the excellent security benefits of the Zope Web Server, Plone 
offers users the ability to manage their content and build a strong 
community based
website out-of-the-box. Planned topics include

    * Overview of Plone's core features
    * Case Studies (sites implemented with Plone and why Plone was used)
    * Tour of Plone Interface
          o adding new content
          o wysiwyg editor
          o publishing feature
          o working with portlets
          o smart folders
          o setting up groups and user permissions
    * Installing new products
    * Skinning (theming)
    * Workflow & Security
    * Search functionality
    * Documentation (getting help)
    * Q&A session

(this session will include introduction of the Baypiggies.net Plone site 
that is in progress)

Companies that use Plone for content management include NASA, Oxfam, eBay, 
Trolltech, Nokia, Utah State University, Creative Commons and Wolford.

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com    |
| Reinhardt | http://www.dair.com |

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