[Baypiggies] End topic for this coming meeting

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 04:45:26 CET 2007

On 2/6/07, Dennis Reinhardt <DennisR at dair.com> wrote:
> At 04:59 PM 2/6/2007, jim stockford wrote:
> >     Let's spend the final ten or so minutes of this
> >coming meeting figuring out who can report on
> >their reaction to PyCon--what speakers will you
> >see, will you be willing to summarize and opine.
> >jim
> Do I understand that there is no time for announcements?  Can we try doing
> announcements differently?
> I suggest for announcements which need to be made at the meeting, that they
> be written up and distributed via handouts laid on a table.  If people need
> to contact you, put your picture on the handout.

It seems wasteful to waste paper when we have this mailing list and
we're actually in a room together, but that's just me :-/



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