[Baypiggies] quick question: regex to stop naughty control characters

Daniel Yoo dyoo at cs.wpi.edu
Thu Apr 26 21:47:26 CEST 2007

> I want to restrict the user to "reasonable things that a name might 
> contain".  Clearly, a tab is invalid.  However, I don't know the regex / 
> unicode syntax to express that I want "normal characters".

Hi JJ,

Ok, knowing this context helps a lot.

According to:


the definition of "\w" can incorporate unicode-ness if we set the UNICODE 
flag.  For example, let's say I have some text so that:

>>> text.encode('utf-8')
IDLE\xea\xb0\x80\xec\xa7\x80\xea\xb3\xa0 \xeb\x86\x80\xea\xb8\xb0'

If I'm looking for all the words in the unicode string 'text', the 
following won't work very well:

>>> import re
>>> re.findall('\\w+', text)

The regular expression patter there wasn't unicode aware.  However, this 
one will work:

>>> re.findall('(?u)\\w+', text)
[u'\ud558\ub8e8\ub3d9\uc548', u'IDLE\uac00\uc9c0\uace0', u'\ub180\uae30']

and now we can catch those three words as expected.  (Just for reference, 
that unicoded string was the header at the top of 

Similarly, '\W' will catch non-word characters, so as long as you set the 
unicode flag up --- either with "(?u)" or by feeding in the explicit 
re.UNICODE flag to re.compile() --- you should be fine.

Good luck!

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