[Baypiggies] Foxmarks: We Just Launched!

Todd Agulnick todd at agulnick.com
Wed Oct 18 17:34:32 CEST 2006

> PS Your user feedback on https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2410/ is not 
> good.

Actually, the feedback has been excellent despite what you currently see 
on that page: feedback from two users, one of whom didn't actually 
install the extension, and another who got himself into trouble from 
which we would have been happy to help him recover had he contacted us 
(or looked at our FAQ), but instead took matters into his own hands and 
was disappointed with the results.

Those are the two most recent comments, the by-product of nearly 300,000 
downloads. If you look deeper 
(https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2410/comments/), a very different 
picture emerges: people who use Foxmarks really love it. It does 
something simple, but the people who need what it does *really* need it, 
and it does it quite well.

But who cares about the extension! It's just a big pile of Javascript. 
The server is all Python, and, as JJ suggested, it rocks. ;-)

Happy you-know-what,


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