[Baypiggies] October Meeting-?

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Sat Oct 7 00:14:59 CEST 2006

At 03:04 PM 10/6/2006, Tony Cappellini wrote:

>Are we having a meeting this month?

Thank for reminder.  I usually wait until today to announce the list so 
that people do not show up on the wrong Thursday.

Thursday Oct. 12, 2006

7:30-8:50 p.m.  Technical Program
Title:          Better, faster, smarter.
                 Python yesterday, today... and tomorrow
Presenter:      Alex Martelli
Audience:       assume working knowledge of Python 2.2 or later
Material URL:   http://www.aleax.it/Python/py25.pdf
About the talk: The new core features and libraries of recently released
                 Python 2.5 are described.  The talk starts with Python 2.2
                 and traces the evolution of releases to build context for
                 what is new in 2.5.

8:50 p.m-...    Mapping and Random Access
Mapping Moderator:  Dennis Reinhardt (WinAjax):
                 Mapping is a rapid-fire audience announcement open to all
                 of topic headings (one speaker at a time).

                 Random Access session (everyone breaks up into self-organized
                 small-group discussion) follows immediately after Mapping.

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
| Reinhardt | http://WinAjax.com |

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