[Baypiggies] Talk about Django on Google Video?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri May 5 20:23:17 CEST 2006

On May 4, 2006, at 8:18 PM, larryt at winfirst.com wrote:

> "Brian Mahoney" <mrbmahoney at gmail.com> writes:
>>> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-70449010942275062
> Is this available in an open format or has Flash been "donated", a la
> Java?  Maybe I missed something major, because I'm seeing lots of
> stuff in flash lately, even from folks who must have swallowed hard
> before using proprietary technology to this degree.

Flash is ubiquitous and works decently in-browser.
Nearly all of the Flash video out there is just a container for a  
known derivative of H.263, possibly even encoded with ffmpeg.
FLV can be played and transcoded without Macromedia's player, since  
it's mostly just H.263 (except when it's On2 VP6, but most of it isn't).
Google Video will let you download it in DivX anyway.


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