[Baypiggies] April agenda?

Tony C cappy2112 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 20:04:53 CEST 2006

I think trying to cover too much ground in one evening makes for haste.

A possible alternative is to have the sprint session for the entire meeting.

Then at an upcoming meeting, go in depth into ID'Es instead of 5 minutes.
Some IDE's will require more in-depth coverage than is usefull in 5 minutes.
I'm sure each one will invoke many questions, which makes that
presentation run longer.
(consider discussing out-of-process debugging with an IDE, as well as
other signifcant features of that same IDE in 5 minutes. Why bother?)

On 3/31/06, Shannon -jj Behrens <jjinux at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/31/06, Aahz <aahz at pythoncraft.com> wrote:
> > READ THIS FIRST: two weeks is a relatively short setup time for what I'm
> > proposing.  If someone is prepared to do a presentation or has a better
> > idea for the meeting, please post NOW.
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 30, 2006, Tony C wrote:
> > >
> > >>>a live sprint
> > >
> > > Would someone describe what a sprint is ?
> >
> > Neal gave a good technical response; my thought for the April meeting
> > would be to do something a good deal more casual.  Basically people would
> > pair up [1] for extreme programming [2] on a small piece of a live
> > project.  Either an experienced programmer would help a newbie with zir
> > work or the newbie would work on something with the experienced
> > programmer.  I'd expect that each group of two people would be working on
> > something different from the other groups; the primary goal here would be
> > to practice pair programming and test-driven development [3], not to
> > actually get lots of work done.
> >
> > (As Neal pointed out, real sprints work best when there's a substantial
> > tutorial for newbies; sprints usually last three or four full days.  It's
> > not at all clear to me whether what I'm proposing would work, but if it
> > does, it would be a good model for other groups training newbies.  Worth
> > a shot, I think.)
> >
> > [1] http://www.extremeprogramming.org/rules/pair.html
> > [2] http://www.extremeprogramming.org/
> > [3] http://www.extremeprogramming.org/rules/testfirst.html
> Aahz, I like your proposal!  Perhaps we can consider killing three
> birds with one stone.  If we break the meeting up into three sections,
> we can have:
> 30 minutes for talking about IDEs.  Hopefully we can get multiple
> people to give 5-10 minute overviews.
> 30 minutes for answering random newbie questions.  Hopefully we can
> inspire some real-life newbies to come ;)
> 30 minutes for random hacking.  This can include helping newbies with
> specific problems, sharing editor configurations (my .vimrc is *da
> bomb*), etc.
> I think structuring the meeting this way might lead to a energizing experience.
> Does everyone else like (+1) or dislike (-1) this idea?
> Thanks,
> -jj
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