[Baypiggies] Meeting job policy

Tung Wai Yip tungwaiyip at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 22 18:39:42 CET 2006

I won't recommend we being too strict to ban pre-meeting announcement.  
After meeting is not the time to get people's attention. Maybe a founder  
have something cool to say. Maybe someone want to recruit volunteers for  
some OSS projects or some functions. We don't want to miss out entirely.

I suggest the host should have discretion for some 5 minutes of  
pre-meeting announcements. If there are 5 recruiters in line give them 1  
minute each (or maybe just 45 seconds each). This is actually a good thing  
because it will force them to cut the crap and give the best line if it  
worths our attention.

Wai Yip

> [taking off ADMIN tag -- there's a relationship between the list and the
> meetings, of course, but I feel less appropriate declaring meeting
> policy by fiat, especially given that I haven't been to one in months!]
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2006, Dennis Reinhardt wrote:
>> While we are maximizing here, maybe we can control these announcements  
>> in
>> the meetings themselves.
> That sounds like a good idea.  Perhaps the simplest approach is to have
> job announcements after the meeting, so that anyone who wants to ignore
> them can leave?

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