[Baypiggies] How to invite and attract speakers?

Dennis Allison allison at shasta.stanford.edu
Sun Mar 12 04:08:17 CET 2006

I have organized the EE380 Computer Systems Colloquium at Stanford for
years.  I have always found that the best approach is to identify people
who you think will have something interesting to say and invite them
directly.  Because there is no honorarium and no travel support, out of
town speakers need to be scheduled when they are in the Bay Area for other
reasons--and that means contacting them from time to time.  Local speakers
are easier but only because the logistical factors are simpler.

On Sat, 11 Mar 2006, Stephen McInerney wrote:

> Hi all,
> Seems like now is a good time to make a call for speakers for Baypiggies:
> graduating PhD candidates, people in Pythonic startups, government
> researchers (e.g. NOAA), recruiters, consultants, shareware authors...
> I have my eye on several interesting companies that I've noticed.
> So my question is: how do we invite and attract people?
> We don't do travel costs, honoraria and membership fees, so that limits us
> to people who really want to spread the word.
> Also, would need to schedule many months in advance to coincide with their 
> travel schedules.
> (Aahz - can we list the location, date and time of future scheduled meetings 
> on the webpage?)
> Anyway I will personally send some invitations to people I know to get the 
> ball rolling.
> Based on talking to Wes it would be great if several of us did this and see 
> who we can turn up.
> Regards,
> Stephen
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