[Baypiggies] Qt with Python-based API strategy?

craig harris craigwharris at comcast.net
Fri Mar 10 01:40:37 CET 2006

I'm using Qt as a GUI for a C++ application and would like to use Python to
support an API from inside the app. In this case I'll have to embed (call)
python from Qt to invoke API commands, and then call the C++ engine from
Python to execute most application functions.  Is this scheme even
possible,..or wise?


I have read a bit about trying to do this and have gotten the impression
that simultaneously calling python from Qt and vice-verse is very
problematic.  I have also heard about PyQt, and some recommend against this.


Any suggestions for a strategy to use Python as an API inside a Qt/C++


I was hoping to attend tonight's Bay Piggies meeting but have terrible cold.







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