[Baypiggies] Trade python lessons for chinese massage

cindy mason grasshopperwisdom at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 8 01:43:11 CET 2006


I'm a massuese and am interested in trading lessons in
python for
chinese bodywork.   This is a serious request, I am 
very interested
in learning, I have worked as a masseuse in a hospital
for 3 years
and am state certified.  I also do a Japanese form of
bodywork known
as Jin Shin Jyutsu, and also teach self care japanese
acupressure if you
are intersted, you can check me out on

I would like to have references and will provide
references on my end
as well. 

I live in Palo Alto, but can bring my laptop...    I
have a g5 at the house,
or a win2000 laptop.   I have a table.


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