[Baypiggies] Google/Snacks..

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Thu Jun 15 02:51:33 CEST 2006

At 05:29 PM 6/14/2006, Donna M. Snow wrote:
>Hi Guys,
>I landed a great gig rebuilding a "news" site in Zope and Plone and need
>to tone down my volunteer stuff.

That is great, glad to hear it.

>I'm going to have to step down as snack guru and hope someone else will
>come forward to handle the pizza and drinks for the meetings.

I think there is a constraint at both sites: we simply cannot get access to 
either meeting room much in advance.  We are starting the meetings at 7:30 
sharp, which means that eating and presentation may overlap -- not good.

If we do snacks, I think we need to either

a) get access to the room much earlier or
b) defer snacks until after the meeting.

When we held meetings at Stanford, we used option (b).   Both sites require 
an employee be in the room when the room is occupied by us.  Starting 
earlier is a further burden on our generous hosts.  I would like to see us 
rule out trying to feed people under (a) and do something simple under 
(b).  We already have off-site dinners before the meeting and bringing 
dinner to the meeting is splitting our attendance.

>Dennis..please send me the July info and I'll get that up by this
>weekend (and archive June)

Marilyn is organizing this meeting.  Let's the three of us work off-line to 
pull the write-up together.

Thanks for sticking with the web site. Dennis

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
| Reinhardt | Powerful Anti-Spam |

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