[Baypiggies] OSCON coming up (Jul 24-28)

Tony C cappy2112 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 03:51:54 CEST 2006

In response to Wes's inquiry...

>>since BayPIGgies is also a member of the O'Reilly User Group
>>Association, we not only get good discounts off their books, but
>>conferences too.  tony, can you find out from our ORA contact what our
>>discount is exactly as well as what the code is that should be used
>>for registration?

>>From Oreilly as of May 2006
Can you please let your members know about the increase in our user
group discount? You can post this to your mailing list, web site, or in
your newsletter and please make sure you mention this at your next

Get 30% off a single book or 35% off two or more books from O'Reilly, No
Starch, Paraglyph, PC Publishing, Pragmatic Bookshelf, SitePoint, or
Syngress books you purchase directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG
when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938. Free ground shipping on
orders $29.95 or more in the US.

DSUG is also the code to use for Convention Registration discounts, but I
still have not heard back from Oreilly as to how much. I would speculate
that  it is the same amount as in previous years.

If anyone uses it to register please post the discount amount.

The website is undergoing a major overhaul now. (please excuse our dust)
The Oreilly Users group discount information and Book Reviews will have a
new home in the near future.


On 6/8/06, w chun <wescpy at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all,
> i won't be able to make it up to the meeting tonite but just wanted to
> remind folks if they're interested, that the 14th International Python
> Conference is happening up in Portland next month at O'Reilly's OSCON.
> IPC/OSCON and PyCon are the 2 US-based Python conferences. For the
> last X-years, OSCON has been on the west coast, making it easier for
> us to travel to than PyCon.
> since BayPIGgies is also a member of the O'Reilly User Group
> Association, we not only get good discounts off their books, but
> conferences too.  tony, can you find out from our ORA contact what our
> discount is exactly as well as what the code is that should be used
> for registration?
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