[Baypiggies] 2006 Meeting Schedule

Carl J. Van Arsdall cvanarsdall at mvista.com
Thu Jul 27 00:13:53 CEST 2006

Dennis Reinhardt wrote:
> At 01:07 PM 7/26/2006, Carl J. Van Arsdall wrote:
>> Well, I will volunteer for both planning and presenting
> Excellent.  Let's wait a day or two to finalize.  However, my experience 
> here is that once someone says "I do", generally everyone else "forever 
> holds their peace..." <grin>
> I see that MonteVista has an office in Santa Clara.  I think one of the 
> duties of a meeting coordinator is to attend most/all meetings.  Will you 
> be at most/all the IronPort meetings?
Well, I do what I can.  Last time I went I ended up getting there late.  
Despite my best efforts traffic got the better of me and unfortunately 
they haven't made me CEO yet so it will be a while before I get my own 
helicopter.  Anyhow, I'm always willing to help out if there's enough 
interest.  I honestly haven't seen too many people actually speak up in 
defense of Iron Port yet, so I'm starting to wonder if its worth the 
effort.  But should people want it and there be a need, I'd definitely 
like to help out.

> I am working on the August 10 IronPort meeting now.  I am happy to share 
> planning for this meeting to whatever extent (or non-extent) leads to a 
> smooth transition.
>> Getting to San Bruno in traffic (coming from the south) is more of an
>> issue than the fact that its 20 miles away. That's the reason I'd like
>> to see more google meetings
> I take this to mean that you would not favor holding the IronPort and 
> Google meetings on the same night, given the expectation you show up for 
> IronPort meetings you plan.  Let's let the volunteer situation settle out 
> and then move on to meeting schedules.
Agreed, seems like there are a few things floating around in the air 
that need to settle.  So I'll hold tight while I can ;)

> My inclination is to have the Google meetings on 2nd Thur every month 
> starting with the September 2006 meeting.  Let's get the IronPort meetings 
> settled and we can finalize.
> Thanks for stepping forward, Dennis
> ----------------------------------
> | Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
> | Reinhardt | Powerful Anti-Spam |
> ----------------------------------
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Carl J. Van Arsdall
cvanarsdall at mvista.com
Build and Release
MontaVista Software

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