[Baypiggies] 2006 Meeting Schedule

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Wed Jul 26 21:41:26 CEST 2006

At 12:04 PM 7/26/2006, steve hindle wrote:
>Personally, I can see no reason to cancel the Ironport meetings

Lack of planning volunteers, for one.  Without speakers, we end up with 
unfocused meetings.  I am not interested in organizing "let's see who shows 
up and shoot from the hip once people arrive" meetings (or attending, for 
that matter).

I am fine continuing to coordinate speakers at both locations.  But the 
honest truth is that Google is flat out a more attractive venue to the 
speakers.  I would rather concentrate on Google.  There is an opening for 
an IronPort planning coordinator.

>I figure if there's not enough interest (in
>any meeting location) - it will fade out on it's own.  No need to
>'uproot' the people that do attend those meetings...

The speakers have already "faded out" IronPort.  Most speaker prefer and 
will only speak at Google.  Most volunteers are already much closer to 

What I am hearing so far is no one objects to increasing Google 
meetings.  Any disagreement is in cutting back on IronPort meetings.  Fair 

To hold 12-12 or 6-12 meetings (IronPort-Google), we need to decide if they 
are both on the same 2nd Thursday night or one of them moves to some other 
night.  The easiest (not best) move is simply have both sites meet on 2nd 
Thur. I think it easiest to move the IronPort meetings.  Deciding whether 
and where to move IronPort meeting night can be the first task of the 
mythical IronPort meeting coordinator.

Regards, Dennis

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
| Reinhardt | Powerful Anti-Spam |

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