[Baypiggies] 2006 Meeting Schedule

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Wed Jul 26 20:44:33 CEST 2006

At 12:08 PM 7/24/2006, Leslie Hawthorn wrote:
>I am temporarily holding the usual room until I hear back ...


Here are where we have talks lined-up for 2006:

         Aug.  1/2 full    IronPort
         Sep.  filled-1    Google
         Oct.  open        IronPort
         Nov.  filled-2    Google
         Dec.  open        IronPort

I suggest we revise this to

         Aug.  1/2 full    IronPort
         Sep.  filled-1    Google
         Oct.  filled-2    Google
         Nov.  tentative-3 Google
         Dec.  open        TBD (speaker input needed)

This more nearly balances speakers and venues.  Let's get this decided.

Having 2 meetings/month is a possibility.  There is a caveat to my previous 
suggestion of 2nd and 4th Thursday.  There is going to be low attendance in 
4th Thursday meetings in both Nov. and Dec.

IMO, what is more doable in the short term is 1 meeting per month.  With 
planning and preparation we can go to 2.

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
| Reinhardt | Powerful Anti-Spam |

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