[Baypiggies] Fw: Re: Next demo night

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Fri Jul 21 18:55:12 CEST 2006

> > I can do PyDev at a Goggle meeting.
> > I can't commit to Ironport (may be possible though), but if
> > it's at Google I will commit to doing it.

At this point, I think our Google calendar is full:

         Sep: Plone (Donna Snow)
        Nov: Air Traffic (Russ Paielli -- waiting for me)

At IronPort, we have

         Aug: 1/2 Twisted.Web (David Reid)
              1/2 TBD (in discussion with David)
        Oct: open
         Dec: open

So far, speakers generally seem to prefer Google.  I saw the video of the 
meeting last night.  If we can have video at all our Google meetings, we 
may want to rebalance our schedule to have more/all meetings at 
Google.  Video broadcasts are definitely a way to serve the  entire bay 
area as well as the Python community world-wide.

Unless we re-balance, the earliest Google meeting for IDE is in Jan.


| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
| Reinhardt | Powerful Anti-Spam |

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