[Baypiggies] [Fwd: Re: Cancel December meeting?]

Rick Kwan kenobi at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 18:15:51 CET 2006

If folks want to have a light-weight meeting along the lines that
Wesley suggests, I have no problem with it.  I volunteer with another
non-profit technical group, which organizes dinner plus technical
talk.  We have given up on December meetings because we can't compete
with company holiday parties and shopping sprees.  But the
infrastructure and financial costs of our meetings are a lot more
complex than BayPIGgies.

Presumably, anyone who signs up is on this mailing list.  So, we have
no major problem managing expectations.  Just the same, it probably
would be good for someone to post a note on the sign-up page to check
the mailing list for impending agenda change.

--Rick Kwan

On 12/3/06, wesley chun <wescpy at gmail.com> wrote:
> i've been a member of BayPIGgies since the early days, and even when
> there's no real agenda, there has always been a fruitful discussion...
> even on days when we only had 7 ppl show up.  i'd say to keep the
> meeting intact for those that just want to show up to socialize.  if
> we're *desperate* to talk about topics, there are any number of things
> to discuss, such as:
> - Python 3000
> - PyCon -- logistics, travel, agenda
> - the recently accepted talks for PyCon in Feb
> - the list of tutorials that will be taught at PyCon
> - an update from Neal, Alex, Brett, or anyone else on the PSF or python-dev
> - Alex and I could share our trials and tribulations of writing Python books
> - a quick update from those who are reviewing books for Tony
> - when to hold the next newbies night
> - future leadership of the user group
> - why "obj1 is obj2" may not correspond to "id(obj1) == id(obj2)"
> - etc.
> cheers,
> -wesley
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