[Baypiggies] Planning remaining 2006 meetings

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Fri Aug 18 18:16:49 CEST 2006

At 08:46 AM 8/18/2006, Marilyn Davis wrote:
>Dennis, I'm not sure we should count on the IDE's for December because if 
>Steve is with his parents, we are down to only two.
>However, I note that the other two, Ken and Tony, have declared themselves 
>able to come.


If mapping is 15 minutes, there are 75 minutes for presentation.  Robert 
Stephenson is estimating 30 minutes for python/laser pointer.  That leaves 
45 minutes for IDE.  Putting 4 IDE speakers in 45 minutes could be 
tight.  2 IDE speakers seems a better fit than 4.  I know from other 
communication with Tony that too little time is a concern to him.  He asks 
for 15 minutes, minimum.

I think two IDE talks combined with Robert's talk for December is a fine 
plan for a meeting that is 4 months into the future.  Nothing prevents 
putting Steve in at some other time.

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com   |
| Reinhardt | http://WinAjax.com |

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