[Baypiggies] Meetings at Google

Leslie Hawthorn lhawthorn at google.com
Sat Aug 12 22:14:07 CEST 2006


>From wescpy at gmail.com
<http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http%3A%2F%2Fgmail.com>  Fri Aug 11
09:45:57 2006
Subject: [Baypiggies] meetings, linuxworld, oscon, objects, etc.
Message-ID: <
78b3a9580608110045x5711a274hc8c2b014d861d3ed at mail.gmail.com>

1.  meeting at IronPort vs. Google is no longer an issue.  because
    JJ is leaving IronPort, all meetings will be at Google unless
    otherwise planned at other venues.


Hello everyone,

I've added the additional 2006 meeting dates to the wiki page.


Please make sure to add yourself to the wiki by Tuesday afternoon the week
of the meeting so I can make arrangements to print your vistor badge in

I will check in with the group at the November meeting to ensure things are
still going well with Google as a venue and see if plans might change for
meeting time/locale in the new year.

Leslie Hawthorn
Open Source Program Coordinator
Google Inc.
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