[Baypiggies] Summary of Python in Electronic Design Automation (EDA)

Keith Dart keith at kdart.com
Sun Apr 30 00:52:48 CEST 2006

Andy Wiggin wrote the following on 2006-04-28 at 12:15 PDT:
> nteractive use. I've always thought that some kind of command shell
> built in Python that allowed both a command/option syntax and standard
> Python syntax (or perhaps a way to push/pop into one or the other)
> might expand Python's horizons. I looked at the built in cmd module
> years ago, but it didn't quite seem to fit the bill. Is anyone aware
> of other similar projects?


That sounds like ipython <http://ipython.scipy.org/>.

I also have a CLI framework as part of pyNMS
<http://www.dartworks.biz/pynms>. However, this framework implements a
CLI that you cannot evaluate Python directly but is used to implement
Cisco/Posix-like CLI for other projects. On  the other hand, you can
enter "Python mode" with it. I also use it for the pyNMS enhanced debugger.


-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   Keith Dart <keith at dartworks.biz>
   public key: ID: 19017044

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