[Baypiggies] BayPIGgies Member Survey 2006! Win prizes! Only 7 days left!

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 24 01:55:34 CEST 2006

             2006 BayPIGgies Member Survey

Dear BayPIGgies members,

* We currently have 45 responses out of 332 total list members.
* There are at least 80 more active members who have not responded.
* We want >100 responses! We know you're out there reading this :)
We need your input to help make the group even better and more
relevant to your interests.
* Survey will close by Sun 4/30 midnight and results will be
tabulated and presented at BayPIGgies Thu 5/11 May meeting at
Google, and also on baypiggies list.

Please take the survey - it only takes about 15 min max.
- you have a 1 in 5 chance of winning a PRIZE (there are at least
  9 pledged prizes so far - books, Google gear, O'Reilly swag,
  other exclusive items to be announced!) If you can't come to
  5/11 meeting for the prize draw, we will set your prize aside
  and make sure you get it.
- response rate is pretty good, given that 26% have never attended
  meetings, and another 35% only attend 0-2 meetings, hence we
  have a hardcore of ~128 active members (40% of 332), and this
  seems to be the peak audience size we get at Google.
So if each of those 128 would only respond, that would be neat.
- the higher the response rate, the more informative and
  legitimate the data are for use in decision-making

2006 BayPIGgies Member Survey URL:

For statement of purpose, notes on browser compatibility, privacy
etc. see the original post:

What are the objectives of the survey?
a) To get a clear picture of the membership (e.g. how many XML
   people in the East Bay? how many animators? newbies? engineers?
   do we have undetected clusters of common interests e.g.
   IronPython? who are the lurkers on the list?)
b) To identify relevant meeting topics of most interest to members
b2) To identify correlations or clusters of interests on certain
  topics e.g. newbies tending to be interested in standard
  packages and how-tos, NB/EB/SF folks interested in animation etc.
  This will help us target topics to newbie/advanced, geographical
  locations etc.
c) To improve logistics (meeting formats and locations, help line
  up speakers, improve list or website, enable carpooling etc.)

Why should I fill in the survey?
- All fully complete surveys received by the deadline (04/30)
  will be put in a live draw at 5/11 meeting to win PRIZES!!
- Help us make the meetings better, more focused and more relevant
  to YOUR needs!
- If you don't want to do the whole thing, please do just fill in
  the required sections. (You can bookmark it and come back later
  and add/update your responses.)
- Survey last ran in Mar 2003 and got 7 out of 87 responses.
  It was surprisingly helpful in identifying needs.

Acknowledgments: thanks to Wesley, Drew P, Danny Yoo, JJ, Rich
  Morin, Tony Capp, Dennis,  Marilyn Davis, John Dooley, Deirdre,
  Aahz, Brian Mahoney, Wai Yip and all members, for comments,
  criticisms and input.

Thanks for your participation!
Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com

2006 BayPIGgies Member Survey URL:

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