[Baypiggies] An introduction...

Redefined Horizons redefined.horizons at gmail.com
Sat Apr 22 00:49:32 CEST 2006

I have just subscribed to the mailing list, and I wanted to introduce myself
to the community. I am a new user of Python, and have recently decided to
use the language for my Linux programming. (This was after a few weeks of
trying to build a cross-platform Visual Basic .NET application using Mono.)
:] I'm also a relatively new user of Linux. I come to Python from a Java,
LISP, and Visual Basic programming background. (I'm also learning to dabble
with C Programming.)

I work for a Land Surveying and Civil Engineering firm in the Central
Valley. Most of my interest in Python will be for the development of
geospatial applications. I will be working on the following projects in
Python over the course of the next few months:

*[1]* Python OGD Implementation: The OGD is a open standard for an
object-oriented geospatial database that can be shared among open source
desktop GIS applications. I hope to build an implementation of the OGD and
OpenJUMP-Ex for Linux in Python. You can learn more about the OGD and
OpenJUMP-Ex at the SurveyOS website:

*[2]* Python 2SimpleXML Parser and Object-Binding Library: 2SimpleXML is a
subset of XML that I came-up with to simplify the use of XML in programming.
You can learn more about it here:
I am writing a 2SimpleXML Parser and Object-Binding library for 2SimpleXML
in Python.

*[3]* Python SurveyOS Application Framework Implementation: This will be an
implementation of the SurveyOS Application Framework in Python. The
framework provides a simple foundation for application development that
includes plug-in management, logging, and user management.

My work on the Python OGD Implementation will probably be of the most
interest to the community. I hope to work on some low-level tools that
will parse of DXF files and ESRI Shapefiles, making there content available
to Python programs.

All of my work is released under open source licenses, and I look forward to
working with other Python developers if I can.

Scott Huey
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