[Baypiggies] Meeting locations

Dan Weeks baypiggies at danimal.org
Tue Apr 18 00:34:11 CEST 2006

On 2006-04-17 15:25:30 -0700, Deirdre Saoirse Moen wrote:
> On Apr 17, 2006, at 3:15 PM, Dennis Reinhardt wrote:
> > Let's have a show of hands here.  How many people attending the last
> > meeting actually used the "awesome" public transit?
> So people should have to have a car (or a lift) to belong to a Python  
> interest group and attend meetings?
> Fwiw, a significant number (way more than I'd expect) of people who  
> are technical in the bay area do not drive or do not own cars.

Indeed.  I don't attend meetings for one reason, the distance and time
involved.  Generally I take BART to work in SF from the East Bay.  If
I were to goto a meeting I'd have to drive to work and then drive to
the meeting and then home.  That's at least a 45 mile roundtrip to San
Bruno and an 85 mile round trip to Google.  No thanks.

That said a really awesome topic might get me out or maybe I could
present, but until then I'm really tempted to unsubscribe from the
list for a whlie.


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