[Baypiggies] (Apr) Agenda?, Last call for IDE demonstrators + (May) Survey results, draw + ?

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 10 06:05:04 CEST 2006

Several issues/comments to clarify for the April and May agendas:

(Apr 13, Ironport)

["Sprint and pair/extreme programming discussion"]
- Aahz, are you moderating this, or if not who is? Can you please list 
separate speaker/ moderator names for each agenda item, to avoid a repeat of 
March's very confused meeting.
If a topic has no owner, it ain't gonna happen...

["We will also have a discussion about BayPIGgies, its leadership, and 
direction for the future."]
- anyone tagged to lead this? Can we please at least take the very divisive 
name issue OFF the table until the survey results come back in May, if not 

["IDEs for Python"] (but *not GUIs* - Aahz - I only mentioned IDEs but not 
GUIs, can you delete GUIs?)
* I threw out the topic of IDEs but to avoid any possible confusion, I am 
*not* organizing it.
I simply encouraged other people to volunteer - this would make a great 
new-member speaking opportunity. So far we have only 1/2(?) confirmed 
volunteers, unless I missed that on the list - can you please identify each 
speaker and IDE:
- JJ Behrens/ Vim + ctags
- Marilyn Davis/ (did you volunteer or just express interest?)
- will anyone volunteer to cover IDLE or Scite, Wing, JEdit, Boa 
Constructor, Komodo, ASPN,  PyDev(Eclipse), plain old emacs etc.? People - 
please coordinate with Aahz and each other, not with me.

- I thought we agreed IDEs would get to go first, before the sprint 
- each presenter would need a fully charged laptop which can project VGA
(JJ - does Ironport you have a multiplexer (Belkin?) to allow one person to 
speak while the
next person connects/disconnects/fiddles with their video card/reboots?)
- Best to arrive early, test the projector, and arrange speaking order among 
You might find the Jonathan Ellis IDE reviews I posted a good basis for 
feature comparison across IDEs.

(May 11, Google)

I would like to present the 2006 survey results for the first 45 minutes (If 
we have no other speakers, I could use the whole 90 minutes up on this, and 
I could do extra slides, so please speak up now if you also want to present 
separately at May?).
- results, some graphs, top-n topic lists, conclusions and interactive 
- draw for prizes from our goodie box (books, tshirts, conference swag, 
other items)
(I may not have a laptop so if someone can commit to lend me theirs to 
present from?)

I know Dennis Reinhardt also offered to speak on ctypes.


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