[Baypiggies] Bay Piggies Web Site

Paul McGavin pch at intersight.com
Tue Nov 29 02:54:38 CET 2005

Hi, Dierdre,

I host some Zope and Plone sites at Sonic.net (in Santa Rosa) and could 
take on the BayPiggies site, if you wish.While I cannot claim 100% 
standards compliance (since my clients edit many of their pages with 
structured text), I do strive to maximize standards compliance with 
every project.

You can a few of my sites below:





All you would need to do is change the DNS entry to point to my server 
( Please let me know if this will work for you.


Paul H. McGavin
President, InterSight
Interactive Insight Network
1001 Bridgeway, Suite 150
Sausalito, CA 94952

Tel 415-382-4040
Fax 415-382-6510
paul.mcgavin at intersight.com

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