[Baypiggies] Baypiggies website?

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Nov 29 02:28:06 CET 2005

> BayPiggies is dead!  Long live BayPiggies!
> Thanks, Deirdre, for maintaining the site for so long.  I didn't know
> there was an issue there.  I'm happy to pitch in some maintenance time
> and/or financial donation going forward.  I appreciate the people and
> expertise on this list.

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have a hosting system available?  I'll be calling up a few
hosts tomorrow like bluehost.com; if there are other good hosts that
people recommend, we'd be happy to hear from you.

Deirdre did give us archives of the web site, so we're not really in any
trouble of losing the old data.  We just need a place to host the content,
and we'll do the domain name transfer as soon as we can.

Please contact Wes, Aahz, Tony, and me.  Thank you, and apologies for the

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