[Baypiggies] LinkedIn professional networking may be useful for BayPIGgies

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 12 11:26:15 CET 2005

Several people had mentioned at previous meetings they wanted
a directory of members' interests.

One possible mechanism might be LinkedIn.com professional network.

You can list BayPIGgies membership in "My Profile->Groups and associations"

Privacy and antispam features are very strong. Your contacts are not visible
except to people you have approved. However any career or professional
interests you list are searchable, which is exactly what you want.
People who are interested in contacting you can request to have their
message approved to be forwarded you via the chain of people between them
and you. It's very good, check it out. Contact me if you want an invite and
we know each other.


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