From arvindpdmn at Tue May 2 23:28:32 2023 From: arvindpdmn at (Arvind Padmanabhan) Date: Wed, 3 May 2023 08:58:32 +0530 Subject: [BangPypers] Hands-on Python Workshop for Beginners Message-ID: 4 online sessions, 100+ exercises: Sat, 06-May @ 9.30AM-12.00PM: The Basics Sun, 07-May @ 9.30AM-12.00PM: Functions & OOP Sat, 20-May @ 9.30AM-12.00PM: Local Dev & Best Practices Sun, 21-May @ 9.30AM-12.00PM: Simple Use Cases RSVP at From udr.ritesh at Mon May 15 21:50:40 2023 From: udr.ritesh at (Ritesh Agrawal) Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 07:20:40 +0530 Subject: [BangPypers] RSVP for May Meetup is Now Open Message-ID: Hello all, RSVP for the May meetup is now open. The event is scheduled on Saturday, 20 May. Agenda: 10:30 - 10:35 - BangPypers Intro 10:35 - 10:45 - Morgan Stanley Intro by MD 10:45 - 11.30 - Introduction to RobotFramework - Dhilip Siva 11:30 - 12:05 - A Python-Based Voice Assistant for DevOps, Chatbot, Diagram as Code, Security - Reetesh Nigam 12:05 - 12:20 - Break 12:20 - 01.00 - | A zero setup CI system - Arjoonn S 01:00 - 01:30 - Openhouse/Networking Location: 5A/5B Morgan Stanley Advantage Services Pvt Ltd[0] RSVP can be done on the meetup platform.[1] Feel free to connect with us in case of any query or suggestion. [0]: [1]: