[BangPypers] [Bangpypers] [Info+Survey] How aware are Developers of the recent IT Rules and Guidelines & their effects?

Abhiram R abhi.darkness at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 04:51:23 EDT 2021


Zainab & team from the Privacy Mode programme at HasGeek
<https://hasgeek.com/> recently produced a report on the IT Rules which we
shared with MEITY and other stakeholders. The report is published at
This has also prompted them to conduct a developer-centric survey to see
how aware the dev-community at large is with respect to these rules and
what our opinions about them are -

So I thought I'd take this opportunity, aided by Zainab, to provide our
Bangpypers community members with some links pertaining to the IT Rules and
Guidelines passed by  the Ministry Of Electronics And Information
Technology (MEITY) dated Feb 25 2021 which came into effect on May 25 2021
so we might keep ourselves informed of the same. Programming languages, our
enablers of tech, do not exist in a vacuum.

 a) Official IT Rules passed by MEITY -
version starts Pg 19)
b) Overview of the UK Online Safety Act and comparison with India's IT
c) Matthew Green <https://isi.jhu.edu/~mgreen/>'s RootConf keynote on the
state of tech and policy debates on encryption: End-to-end encryption:
State of the Technical and Policy Debate :


In addition to arming yourself with the knowledge, do take the survey on
the link (re-attaching) -  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ITRulesSurvey and
go through the PDF on point (a) + the report published by Hasgeek above.

Abhiram R <https://abhiramr.com>

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