[BangPypers] [Bangpypers] Bangpypers Meetup - 27 Feb 2021 - Reminder mail + Zoom link availing for today's meetup (27/2)

Abhiram R abhi.darkness at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 20:52:40 EST 2021

This is a reminder mail for the monthly-  Bangpypers meetup - for the month
of Feb 2021 i.e. today the 27th Feb 2021. The Zoom link should be available
on the Meetup Page if you've RSVP-ed already or will be after you RSVP.

*Link to RSVP :* https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/kswpqqyccdbbc/

*Timing :* 10.30 AM - 12 PM

*The agenda is as follows :*

*10.30 - 11.30 : Mapping using Python* by Abhiram
- About GIS : the terminologies and basic concepts
- Different methods/libraries of vector-based mapping in Python and where
to use which
- Drawing inferences from Maps with some examples

*11.30 - 12 :* Open House

If you have any doubts, please reach out to me at abhi.darkness at gmail.com,
Kumar Anirudha at anirudhastark at gmail.com or Ritesh at udr.ritesh at gmail.com.

Abhiram R

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