[BangPypers] Online Devsprint March 21st

Kumar Anirudha anirudhastark at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 13:12:52 EDT 2020

Hi all,

With regards to BangPypers online devsprint[1] tomorrow.
We'll start with an intro on a zoom[2] call. You can either join via the
webapp or install the app on your preferred devices using the link[5].
Post that, participants are required to select their desired project and
start working on it. Find all project links on meetup event page[1].
All conversations will happen in the #devsprint channel on BangPypers
Slack[3]. If you've not joined yet, feel free to join using the invite
In case, you prefer IRC, you can join #bangpypers channel on freenode
Individual teams can get into separate calls on video or otherwise.
The event will commence 10am IST onwards tomorrow, March 21st and will
continue to March 22nd 5pm.

See you all tomorrow on call. :)

If you've any doubts, feel free to reach out to me(anirudhastark at gmail.com
<udr.ritesh at gmail.com>), Abhiram (abhi.darkness at gmail.com) or Ritesh (
udr.ritesh at gmail.com).

[1]: https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/kswpqqybcfbcc/
[2]: https://zoom.us/
[3]: http://bangpypers.slack.com/
[5]: https://us04web.zoom.us/meeting/943561780

Kumar Anirudha

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