[BangPypers] [Free webinar] Need For Industry Exposure in Data Science | 13th August

Deepika Singhal deepika at analyticsvidhya.com
Tue Aug 11 02:08:47 EDT 2020

Hi there,

Do you know? What is the single most common reason for getting rejected in
data science roles?

*Simply put, it is the lack of Industry exposure in a candidate's learning
journey.* One may know the most sophisticated ML algorithms in the world -
but it is of little use until one learns to apply these algorithms to solve
actual industry problems.

*Analytics Vidhya & KPMG India* invite all Data science Professionals &
aspiring Data Scientists to join us in this live webinar on the “*Need of
Industry exposure in learning and applying the practical aspects of Data

Save your spot today for an interactive session by experts from the Data
Science Industry! *Register Here: *https://bit.ly/30IYqZO

*Save the Date: 13th August 2020 (Thursday)*

*Time: 19:30 hrs (IST) | Duration: 90 Mins | Live Session*

*Key Takeaways from the Webinar: *

   - Where is the data science industry headed?
   - Data Science Job landscape
   - The need for industry exposure
   - Challenges which aspirants face in getting the right exposure to
   - Best practices & guidance to gain industry exposure
   - Soft Skills & communication skills that industry expects from data


   - Kunal Jain (Founder & CEO, Analytics Vidhya)
   - Paul Mathew (Director, Lighthouse - Analytics, AI & Data, KPMG in
   - Amit Kumar (Senior Director, India Databricks)
   - Sachin Arora (Partner and Head of Lighthouse - Analytics, AI & Data,
   KPMG in India)

Go ahead and register!

Team Analytics Vidhya

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