[BangPypers] [Inpycon] Call for volunteers for PyCon India 2018 Social Media team

chandan kumar chandankumar.093047 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 00:10:39 EST 2018

Hello All,

Thank you all for raising your hands for volunteering for PyCon India
2018 Social Media team.
Below is the list of volunteers those who has responded:
Ashish Krishan <ashish.krishan.in at ieee.org>
Siva Sai Chandra A <asivasaichandra at gmail.com>
Siddharth Singh <siddharth14491 at gmail.com>
Lakshmanan Meiyappan <lakshmanan.meiyappan at gmail.com>
Prajwal Gatti <prajwalgatti126 at gmail.com>
Devesh Verma <deveshverma619 at gmail.com>
Shatakshi Shukla <a2zshatakshi at gmail.com>
TUSHAR BUDHIRAJA <tusharbudhiraja01 at gmail.com>

I will be sending a personal email introducing you guys together so
that we can start collaborating on the tasks.

I am closing this thread. We will be again sending emails to different
volunteers tasks.


Chandan Kumar

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