[BangPypers] Connecting developers and companies

Noufal Ibrahim KV noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Sun Jul 19 18:48:11 CEST 2015

On Sun, Jul 19 2015, Deep Sukhwani wrote:

> One major concern of all is that people showing up on meetups ONLY
> with an agenda of getting a chance to speak with employers.

True but I think this distinction between "community" and "companies" is
not as clear cut as it's made out to be. Companies do donate things like
office space etc. and they get publicity and possibly, hires. To
formalise that a little and to get them more involved sounds, to me,
like a good thing. 

And, as a general rule, it's good to assume that the companies are
"good" community players and design the meeting for good people. If we
find someone trying to take advantage of the whole thing and poisoning
the ecosystem, we can always do something then.



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