[BangPypers] [JOBS] Join HackerEarth for an exciting opportunity

Sayan Chowdhury sayan at hackerearth.com
Wed Feb 12 08:48:59 CET 2014


I am Sayan, Software Developer at HackerEarth. We are looking for smart
people to join us and build HackerEarth.

We are here to change the way developers get hired, and we have grown
pretty well in just over an year. 2013 was an amazing year for us, and we
were able to achieve what we had only dreamt of. It laid out the foundation
for our future plans, and 2014 will see that all. Simultaneously, we are
building our team of passionate people who have the vision and passion to
take it to the next level. And I invite you to be a part of it.

Currently, we are a team of 6 full-time young people and that will more
than double within next 6 months. We have released exciting products that
have done very well, and are working on new features and scaling them to
the hundreds of thousands of users. These are amazing times where we are
quite stable, have the luxury to experiment on almost anything, and build
products which will affect at least thousands of users on the first day. We
launched the revamped Recruit application a few months ago, and companies
like Symantec, Citrix, InMobi, Hindustan Times, Capillary, WebEngage, etc
and many start-ups are some of our customers.

Our most of the stack is in Python/Django and we write ton of code in
Python. We use a lot of other stuffs like RabbitMQ, Celery, Tornado,
Thrift, Memcached, etc. There are very interesting work going on in many
diverse areas too, e.g. automated-deployment, infrastructure, scaling,
optimization, and we are always experimenting with new technologies.

You can checkout our engineering details at
http://engineering.hackerearth.com/. You can also have a look at the blog -
http://blog.hackerearth.com/ to get some insights into what we do.

That said, I would love to explore full-time opportunity with you. For more
information, you can refer to a bit old post here:

Reach out to vivek at hackerearth.com directly if you are interested in
exploring this opportunity. Also let me know if you have any question or
anything else.

Sayan Chowdhury
Software Developer, HackerEarth <http://www.hackerearth.com/>

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