[BangPypers] [ executable ]

Shashidhar Paragonda shashidhar85 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 06:23:33 CEST 2014

Hello Python hackers,

>>> I have written a manual test case parser for HP Quality center.
>>> I used BeautifulSoup, xlwt, xlrd, win32com libraries.
>>> Now the script performs according to the requirement,
>>> The final requirement is, I need to wrapup my script and supporting
libraries as one executable file.
>>> The executable file will be stored in server and if user log in to
Quality center from client location ( irrespective of location ), the
executable should work as it is.
>>> How can I do this task, any suggestions.
>>> Thank you :)


Shashidhar N.Paragonda
shashidhar85 at gmail.com

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