[BangPypers] https://github.com/pythonhacker/ladies.py

svaksha svaksha at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 22:14:04 CEST 2013

On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Anand B Pillai
<anandpillai at letterboxes.org> wrote:
> +1. Btw, I founded and manage this list, but I see my "actions"
> deserve some explanation. As Sriram, said I do have a (somewhat
> extreme) sense of sarcastic and dry humour. I am also a PSF member
> from 2010 and also President of PSSI.

So? If anything, you should be held to higher standards as a PSF
member and PSSI president.

> curious. Maybe the OP of this thread who is an active member

I may be the OP but I am not the founder, rather just a member who
setup the mailman list as I disliked the meetup.com communication tool
and dislike googlegroups even more.

> of PyLadies could explain it  - just to educate all of us here
> and me in particlar.

I hope Anu's email was explanation enough.

> My "isnt_that_odd" function of ladies.py was specifically written
> to bring this point. Happy to see it hit the target.

Anand, now you just come across as self-entitled and arrogant. The "if
apology" not withstanding.

> 2. Mission - It would be nice to educate us all in this list
> about the goals of a separate organization for "ladies coding"
> as apart from the general PSF umbrella. I am not misogynistic

You have been a PSF member since 2010, so did you question the PSF
when they gave a $10,000 grant to the Pyladies.com org? I'm curious
because you want to know about the motives of a chapter.

> in anyway, but in general I don't personally agree with
> "woman coding" as a separate problem as opposed to "people
> coding".

I hope you raised these objections on the PSF mailing list too.


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