[BangPypers] Getting a random record from Database . The best strategy.

Amit Sethi amit.pureenergy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 18:41:34 CEST 2013

Hi ,  I am not sure if this question will be considered sufficiently
python related. If its not than I am sorry I will take this somewhere

I am setting up some smoke tests for which I am fetching some records
from the db.

I am using sqlalchemy for this right now.
My real question when fetching such a random record from a db for some reason.
What is the best strategy.

Should I use some  kind of randomizer in the database tool.
Or should I use something in ORM
Or should I make the decision for finding the random value in the
python or the language I am working with and then fetch the record
using the tools I am using.



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