[BangPypers] problem with python classes

Abdul Muneer abdulmuneer at gmail.com
Thu May 9 23:09:43 CEST 2013


If it is necessary that the calculation has to be performed by ClassOne,
use a classmethod.

class ClassOne(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def calculate_value(cls, value):
        <do something>
        return new_value

and in ClassTwo, change the relevant line to this one.


Abdul Muneer

Follow me on Twitter: @abdulmuneer <http://twitter.com/#%21/abdulmuneer>

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 9:11 PM, hiharry danny <hrdspl at gmail.com> wrote:

> i have python 2.7.4......now suppose i have two new-style base classes ,
> i.e. class ClassName(object):
> and the two base classes are related by __init__ constructor where the
> __init__ constructor of one base class is accessed by the __init property
> of the other base class , for example :
> class ClassOne(object):
>         def __init__(self,value):
>               self.value = value
> class ClassTwo(object):
>          def __init__(self,inputvalues):
>                 self.values = []
>                  for i in inputvalues:
>                      self.values.append(ClassOne(inputvalues))
> if this be the case , then without using inheritance property of OOP ,i,e,
> without creating further new subclasses , how can I access other user
> defined methods of ClassOne class via Class Two class. The ouput value will
> be returned by a user defined method of ClassTwo but the computation will
> be done by a method of ClassOne which is called by the user defined method
> of class two ...?
> so what will be the solution ?
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