[BangPypers] Female developer fired after tweeting about men's comments at PyCon 2013 and San Jose.

Jeffrey Jose jeffjosejeff at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 11:40:31 CET 2013

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Gora Mohanty <gora at mimirtech.com> wrote:

> IMHO, this is a technically-oriented list, not a socially-oriented one.

It shouldnt be. And I have good reasons to believe it isnt.

These are real issues affecting Python. If you think nonoptimized
tail-recursion calls and dozens of http libraries in standard libraries are
the only things that hurt Python, you're not seeing the big picture. Python
is not a programming language anymore.

Everytime we're harsh to a n00b in this mailing list, BangPypers is branded
as un-welcoming to new adopters. The same way, if we fail to discuss or at
the very least acknowledge what just happened we tag ourselves in a certain
other way.

Remember we organize Pycons too. The more we dismiss these, the less we
appear unprepared for such things. Take a stand, invite more female friends
and tell them we care about them. PSF supports it, and takes pride in how
many female developers we have in our community. And we should too.


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