[BangPypers] [Inpycon] [X-post] Registrations are open

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 06:35:36 CEST 2013

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Vinayak Kolagi <vkolgi at gmail.com> wrote:

> I did the registration. Just asking !! Am I the first one to register ? :-P

hmm race time , actually it would be interesting to  to see how fast they
are all gone , How will you know that you are the first one ?  hmm one
criteria could be if all those who have registered share the time they got
the mail from do attend  , by the time i went to the page there were 14
tweets about the page already so in all probability you may not be the one
:P any way did you tweet about it after doing it ?


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